The Board has overall responsibility for managing the Company*. As such the Board’s responsibilities include the following:
Ensuring that APEAS meets the three objectives set out in the Company’s Memorandum of Association:
Setting policy and objectives for the Company.
Ensuring the necessary financial and human resources and expertise are in place to ensure the viability of the Part 3 Examination in Professional Practice and Management over the long term.
Taking any actions necessary on the basis of annual reports received from external examiners, the Convenor of the Examination Committee and the Senior Examiner of the Practice Examiners Committee to ensure that rigorous quality assurance procedures and standards are continually applied to the APEAS Part 3 Examination process.
Submitting an annual monitoring report to the Architects Registration Board and overseeing arrangements for the re-prescription of APEAS on a four yearly cycle.
Overseeing arrangements for the validation of APEAS by RIBA on a four yearly basis.
It should be noted that APEAS is a Company limited by guarantee and does not have a share capital. APEAS is also a registered charity.
Anyone interested in serving on the APEAS Board should send a CV to the APEAS CEO. Selection to the Board is made by agreement between the serving directors. In deciding whether a person should serve or not the directors will take into account the current size and composition of the Board and the expertise that the person can bring to the work of the Board.
Current Board members are as listed below. Please click on the name to see a short biography.
Vacancy - (Chair)
Sally Stewart - (ASSA Representative, Glasgow School of Art)
Nick Blair - (Convenor of Examination Committee)
Miguel P Maldonado - (ASSA Representative, University of Edinburgh)
Euan Geddes - (Practising Architect)
Joanne Doherty - (Practising Architect)
Kerry Acheson - (Practising Architect) (Acting Chair)
Merve Fard - (Practising Architect)
Jenny Barr - (Recently Qualified member)
Vacancy - (Recently Qualified member)
Katy Savage - (Lay Director)
Tamsie Thomson - (Lay Director, RIAS)
Each Board member is also a director of the Company. The liability of each director is limited to £1 of the Company’s assets.
The APEAS Board meets four times a year – normally two meetings are held in person in Edinburgh (one of which includes an AGM) and two meetings are held online via Teams.
Where appropriate further sub-committee meetings will be held (normally online)
There is no salary attached to being a Board member, however members are reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their duties.
Further information about the work of the APEAS Board can be obtained by contacting the APEAS CEO
We hope we have answered all your questions already, but if you have any more questions to ask please contact APEAS.